15. HOTDQ – Castle Naerytar part II – NPCs

15. HOTDQ – Castle Naerytar part II – NPCs

This is part 15 of my guide for Hoard of the Dragon’s Queen campaign. You can read all chapters of this guide here:

Episode 6 – Major NPCs in this episode

This episode is where the NPCs actually matter. Each one has their motives, agenda and outlook on the others. They have their itinerary and actual things they do throughout the day – the heroes could spot them as they go on their routine.

As I read through the book, I phrased each NPC’s outlook as a series of quotes – I found those to be much more useful as the heroes get near some of them, or actually talk with them.


Arguably the most pivotal NPC for this episode – meeting him and trusting him is what could shift the stalemate balance in the castle towards a favorable one for the heroes.

Snapjaw is likely sleeping outside the castle, but use him as you see fit as the major liaison with the rest of the lizardfolk in the castle.

  • “We Scaly Death tribe. 80 worriors!”
  • “The Bullywugs (Hate face) killed shaman SunCaller. We will kill them all”
  • “Bullywug Shaman is name Pharblex (Hate face). Bullywug Shaman is big magic!”
  • “Voaraghamanthar dragon good. He god!”
  • “Dragon no talk. We made statue!”
  • “But purple dragon-lady (Rezmir) promised! She will reward us for helping the kneelers! But she did not!”
  • “Elf Borngray likes us. Gives metal!”
  • “Elders say omens not good yet…”

The Cultists

The heroes could meet some cultists. Make sure to broadcast their disdain from this place and their fellow inhabitants.

  • “Fucking Swamp”
  • “Idiot lizardfolks”
  • “Nasty Bullywugs”
  • “When Tiamat returns, we can get away from this stupid place”

Pharblex Spattergoo

A wonderful name for a Bullywug. Arrogant, scheming and repulsive.

During the day, he is at the caves – Frog Shrine, Sanctum or Pool. During the night he will be at his room (2G). However they have a secret passage so he wont be seen traversing through the courtyard.

Note that he has some interesting spells that should come as a surprise to the heroes:

  • Poison Cloud cantrip
  • Entangle
  • Thunderwave
  • Spike Growth
  • Plant Growth

And in addition he can jump 20 ft – which is a surprising ability.

The heroes went to fight him dead on – they did not expect him to have actual nasty spells, nor to be able to jump 20 ft… It was an epic battle.

Some quotes from Pharblex:

  • “Puny lizardfolk, you do what I tell you”
  • “When Tiamat returns, the castle will be mine at last!”
  • “Puny humans, behold my shamanitsic magic! Haha” (uses drugs, lore, mysticism..)
  • “Borngray should be removed… by any means necessary”


As Hack & Slash says, having him as an Elf Nazi is a great idea.

Borngray can be seen training his lizardfolk guard throughout the day. It could be cool to confront him and his guard in the middle of the great revolt – what would the lizardfolk do?

During the day, he is at the courtyard, or at his office at 2U. During the night at his sleeping quarters at 2V/W.

He also has spells, which might be surprising for a sword-master. Notable ones are:

  • Firebolt
  • Shocking Grasp
  • Shield
  • Magic Weapon
  • Misty Step

Some quotes from Borngray:

  • “Tiamat will return”
  • “I run this operation”
  • “Bullywugs are repulsive”
  • “Lizardfolk are more useful and reliable”
  • “I teach them metalurgy”
  • “We will remove humanity from Faerun. Elves will suffer, but its a small price”
  • “When this happens, my job here will be finished at last, and I can escape this stinking shit-hole”


During the day – Rezmir is all around. In her chambers (3L), visiting the observatory (3U), in the Great Hall supervising the sorting of loot, outside the castle comnsulting with Azbara Joss or Borngray, in the dungeon watching loot being transported to the Lodge, in the courtyard watching lizardfolk at drill.

During the night she is likely sleeping in her quarters.

Rezmir’s quotes:

  • “Do I need to remind you who’s in charge?”
  • “Pharblex is useful as he controls the masses with his spells”
  • “you will die at the hands of Tiamat”

Note about fighting Rezmir at Naerytar: I felt that its important to keep the major fight with Rezmir to Skyreach Castle. However, as the heroes see her roaming about, and figured out quickly where she sleeps during the night and the size of her guard, and decided to assassinate her right here. I gave them a fair chance to do so and succeed, but I think that Rezmir is not stupid, and will definitely not fight to the death here if she has a way out. I thought its reasonable for her to have a bracelet of Spell Storing that has some useful spells for last resort – Dimension Door and two other spells, provided by curtesy of Azbara Joss.

Hence when the heroes tried to assassinate her in her chambers during the night, she placed the black crown on, and fought back fiercely (almost too fiercely for some of the heroes). The heroes almost cornered her, and when she got badly wounded she didn’t risk it any further, and used Dimension Door to sneak out the window to the nearby rooftop and run to the caves, leaving the fiery mess of Naerytar behind her. Her thinking is that after all, the hoard is already at the castle, and it was about time to leave this place anyway. This left the heroes vying for revenge, and rekindled their sense of urgency to follow Rezmir to the caves and see where they lead.

Azbara Joss

So far the heroes only saw this mysterious red robed figure from afar – riding into the Raiders camp and getting into Rezmir’s tent, and here in the castle during the day – talking with Rezmir and getting back to his chambers at the central tower.

I felt that as the great revolt started, Azbara would not fight (its not his battle), but will be very interested to talk with the heroes before they leave. So as the heroes were contemplating if its time to enter the caves, I had Azbara send a rat bearing a message “You interest me greatly, and I would like us to have a civilized conversation. Meet me at the foot of the central tower?”

This gave the players some real debate – is that a trap? Should they ignore it and advance? Should they learn something? Should they attack the wizard and risk everything?

THey eventually decided to accept the challenge and have a civilized conversation. Azbara met them at the foot of the tower, accompanied by his trusty Ambush Drake that looked suspiciously at the heroes and growled. The conversation was tense and awesome – they even pulled out a rare whisky to share with him – where he was asking them point blank questions (“I am impressed by the coup you arranged here, well done – who are you working with? Who is guiding you? What are you trying to achieve?”) However the heroes tried not to share too much, but still play the game. Note to not disclose the portal in this discussion – it must remain a mystery till the heroes reveal it themselves.

During the day, Azbara is in the keep (1V), West guest room, or with Rezmir (1U, 2N or 3L).
During the night is is likely in his quarters in the Keep.

Azbara obviously have some nasty spells, that could hurt the heroes greatly. I did not think it would be a good place for an epic battle with him to take place, and left it to Skyreach Castle. However you should note he can always use those if needed:

  • Mage Hand
  • Ray of Frost
  • Shocking Grasp
  • Fog Cloud
  • Shield
  • Invisibility
  • Misty Step
  • Scorching Ray
  • Counterspell
  • Dispel Magic
  • Fireball

Some quotes from Azbara Joss:

  • “You interest me immensely. Adventurers appearing at this remote, secret site are a great prefessional interest to me”
  • “I wanted to arrange a private meeting, and here we are”
  • “Me, a Red Wizard? Haha. Not everyone who is bald and wears a red robe is a red wizard” (Not true, he is…)
  • “I am a Thayan expatriot, trying to find refuge while my country is controlled by undead monsters” (true)
  • “I fled my country Thay when the lich Szass Tam seized control”
  • “I don’t have much interest in this castle or its inhabitants”
  • “I could not care less for this swamp, bullywugs, or lizardfolk. Dragon? not interested”
  • “I am here to help Rezmir with her endeavor”
  • “There is a lot I would like to learn from you…”
  • “How much you know of the cult’s plans?”
  • “Where and how you uncovered the information?”
  • “Who else knows about it?”
  • “What do you think of the plan’s chance to succeed?”
  • “Well – There is one highly interesting thing in this castle for me. I think that you will find it – down below” (bold hint for the Portal).

Next: 16. HOTDQ – Episode 8 – Skyreach Castle – part I

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